Labour Day 2024 May 1. Why do we celebrate may 1 as may day? Labour day is a day that remembers the contributions by workers in singapore.
May 1 is observed as “may day”, also referred to as “international workers’ day” and “labour day” in different countries across the world. This day is dedicated to recognising the contributions and achievements of workers worldwide and promoting.
This Day Serves A Dual Purpose:
Every year on may 1st, we celebrate labour day, also known as may day or international workers' day.
The Origins Of May Day Can Be.
May 1 is observed as “may day”, also referred to as “international workers’ day” and “labour day” in different countries across the world.
It Is Most Commonly Associated As A Commemoration Of The Achievements Of The Labour Movement.
Images References :
This Day Is Dedicated To Recognising The Contributions And Achievements Of Workers Worldwide And Promoting.
May 1 is observed as “may day”, also referred to as “international workers’ day” and “labour day” in different countries across the world.
Labor Day For The Year 2024 Is Celebrated/ Observed On Monday, September 2Nd.